
AKS & SQL Integration w/ Terraform & Dockerized NGINX Deployment

1. Introduction Building on the pervious AKS cluster setup, in Level 3 I aimed to integrate it with Azure SQL Database and deploy an NGINX app from Docker Hub to the AKS cluster. Here are the nuances and significant additions made to the implementation. 2. AKS Configuration Azure Provider &...

AKS Cluster w/ Terraform

1. Introduction Briefly introduce the problem statement: The objective was to set up an AKS cluster via Terraform code. Today, I’ll walk you through the architecture and components of my solution. 2. Explain the Configuration Azure Provider: Starting off, I configured the Azure provider for Terraform using the ‘azurerm’ provider...

Terraform - Azure VM + Managed Disks

1. Introduction Given the task of creating a Virtual Machine (VM) and a storage account/disk, the prime objective was to ensure that these resources are reliable, secure, and scalable. The tool of choice to achieve this was Terraform, a widely recognized infrastructure-as-code software tool. 2. Resource Group Configuration Before deploying...

Kubernetes Deployment on AWS EKS

Kubernetes on AWS EKS: Choices and Discoveries I just wrapped up a project where I got my hands dirty with Kubernetes, setting it up on AWS EKS. This wasn’t just another tech task for me; it was a hands-on deep dive, piecing together the intricacies of every choice I made....

Multi-Cloud Infrastructures with Terraform

Building Multi-Cloud Infrastructures with Terraform: A Personal Journey Managing and provisioning cloud resources can be challenging, especially when dealing with multiple cloud providers. I recently embarked on a journey to build a multi-cloud infrastructure, specifically focusing on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure. In this post, I'll share what...

Terraform - Infrastructure as Code Build

Unleashing the Power of Terraform: A Simple Build That Saved Me Hours Hello all! I want to share with you a powerful example of how Terraform, the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool, can save you an incredible amount of time and effort in managing your AWS resources. By writing a...

HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate (003)

Fine-Tuning My Terraform Expertise: Pursuing HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate As an experienced Cloud/DevOps Engineer who has already utilized Terraform in various projects, I'm excited to announce that I'm currently working towards becoming a HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate. Why Terraform? Terraform is not new to me. In the dynamically evolving sphere...

AWS - Three-Tier Web Architecture

Building a Scalable, High Availability Web Architecture I recently worked on an exciting project that involved building a highly scalable and resilient web architecture using various cloud technologies. This project leveraged Amazon Web Services (AWS) extensively, making it a highly robust and scalable solution that could easily handle traffic fluctuations...

Lunartoons Music App

The Development of a Music Streaming Platform In the world of music streaming applications, I am delighted to unveil my latest project: Lunartoons. A web-based music player designed to allow users to discover, listen to songs, explore top charts, and delve into the details about songs and artists. All of...

Market Analyzer

Stock Market Prediction Using RandomForestClassifier This project is about predicting the stock market prices using RandomForestClassifier from sklearn. We use the S&P 500 stock market data from Yahoo Finance. Data The data used in this project is obtained from Yahoo Finance using the yfinance package. We fetch the historical data of S&P...

Vidiverse (YouTube Clone)

Vidiverse - A Compact Tour of My Video Streaming Project I am excited to introduce you to Vidiverse, a video streaming platform I've created. Much like YouTube, Vidiverse allows users to search, browse, and enjoy videos across various categories, all in a user-friendly environment. Underpinning Vidiverse is the robust React.js...