Lunartoons Music App

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The Development of a Music Streaming Platform

In the world of music streaming applications, I am delighted to unveil my latest project: Lunartoons. A web-based music player designed to allow users to discover, listen to songs, explore top charts, and delve into the details about songs and artists. All of these, powered by the Shazam Core API and Geo API for music data and location information.

Tech Stack

React.js: The core of Lunartoons is built on the sturdy foundation of React.js. It's used for constructing the user interface and the various components of the player, including the sidebar, song lists, and artist details. Redux Toolkit: Managing the global state of the application, Redux Toolkit ensures smooth operation by capturing and reusing fetched data, controlling the loading and error states, and responding to user actions like selecting a song or an artist. React Router: Allowing seamless navigation between different pages of the application, React Router plays a vital role in ensuring a user-friendly experience on Lunartoons. Tailwind CSS: The aesthetics of Lunartoons are rendered using Tailwind CSS. From the color scheme, typography, spacing to responsive design, Tailwind CSS has enabled a visually appealing and interactive design. Axios & RapidAPI: The robust combination of Axios and RapidAPI bridges Lunartoons with the Shazam Core API and Geo API. Axios, responsible for making API requests, fetches music data and location information, while RapidAPI serves as the gateway to the Shazam Core API.

Final Words

Creating Lunartoons has been a riveting journey of exploration and learning, where I've had the opportunity to fine-tune my skills in React.js, Redux Toolkit, and API integration. I hope you'll enjoy using Lunartoons as much as I enjoyed creating it and I look forward to hearing your feedback.